Welcome into my Ethical Pornography Art world.
For ADULTS ONLY. Careful: This is real pornography (real sexual acts), even if it is artistic.
In my Pornography Art I try to create imagery that shows authentic moments of pleasures. Not over-acted, not over-controlled. For an experience that is closer to reality. All with an artistique vision.
This is ETHICAL PORN: where the actors/actresses are only doing what they want and like. In a very respectful environment and in full respect of who they are and how they function.
All imagery is protected by COPYRIGHT.
Do not use my photography without my consent.
All imagery is created with the full consent of every model.
CAREFUL: in my vidéos when there is no protection (no condom) it is because the actors are already together (as couples) and they already have unprotected sexe between only them, because they got tested for all STD before taking-off any protection.
I strongly support protection in intercourse as it is essential!! Safety first!
I will be shooting many different kind of sexual acts and practices, please be respectful,
even when it is not your kind of kink.

Aya Benetti
& Rayan
Access the videos and photos that I created with this beautiful couple, inside and out, my dear friends: AYA BENETTI and her husband RAYAN BENETTI.
These are my first pornographic creations.
Here you will get access to:
4 Videos
Vidéo 1 (2'07 minutes): a delicious moment on the chair.
Vidéo 2 (4'55 minutes): the beauty and consequences of a spit well done.
Vidéo 3 (3'46 minutes): an authentic moment of pleasure.
Vidéo 4 (11'20 minutes): the Apotheose, a long and visually mesmerizing blow-job, with a slow-motion and tasty finish.
Backstage vidéos
From the same day of shoot. Including his KING penis and her QUEEN pussy.

"Rien n'est plus sérieux que le plaisir" - Jean Cocteau
Aya Benetti
Access the videos and photos that I created with two superb women.
Aya & Ruby welcome you to their post-apocalypse hide out, in a secret Bunker Bar in the heart of Paris.
Where they warm each other up after the end of the world, under the eyes of Alien, on a flipper and on stage.
Here you will get access to:
4 Videos
Filmed in a hidden bar in Paris: a post-apocalypse themed bunker, the ATOMIC CAT BAR.
Video 1 (7'53 minutes):
Welcome to the post-apocalypse hide-out of Aya & Ruby.
Vidéo 2 (2'44 minutes):
Aya offers Ruby her large lollipop for comfort.
Vidéo 3 (4'54 minutes):
Aya gives Ruby a special flipper lesson.
Vidéo 4 (6'53 minutes):
The beautiful finish on stage.
Backstage vidéos & bloopers
From the next morning, in the girl's Parisian hotel room. Under the stare of the neighbor's dog.

"Le plaisir est le bonheur des fous. Le bonheur est le plaisir des sages."

Access the videos and photos that I created with this beautiful couple, who have a connexion that you can feel through the screen!
VENUS REY and her boyfriend GREY.
Shot in Paris, from a Bar to a hotel room.
Here you will get access to:
4 Videos
Vidéo 1 (11 minutes): the ART of Cunnilingus - part 1. A video I am so proud of, as it is so beautiful and of so hot!
Vidéo 2 (19'45 minutes): A lesson in Cunnilingus - with no other sound than the couple's moans and communication.
Vidéo 3 (10'50 minutes): the ART of Cunnilingus - part 2.
Vidéo 4 (17'12 minutes): "Dans l'intimité de Venus & Grey". Where you follow them in intimates, erotic and sexual moments.
From the same day of shoot.
"Le sexe fait partie de la nature. J'obeis à la nature." Marilyn Monroe
Enter into the intimacy of an anonymous and true couple.
They let you in for 3 vidéos where they will give you a show that will make you burn with desire.
With an anal final that is deliciously beautiful.
Here you will get access to:
Video 1 (7'10 minutes)
Video 2 (5'58 minutes)
Video 3 (11'25 minutes)

"Ceux qui disent le sexe surfait n'ont jamais fait l'amour correctement."

Follow the beautiful ZADZA and ALICE BERRY on their first date.
They couldn't resist each other and will raise your temperature during these 36 minutes of beautiful lesbian sex that finished with an real and authentique orgasm.
Special thanks to the wonderful "bar à fantasme", the SWEET PARADISE (where we filmed) in Paris, for their wonderful welcome.
Here you will get access to:
Video (36 minutes)